
Tuesday 5 November 2013

We've been to Paris (and made a video!)

Did you guess where we spent last week? We put some clues on our Facebook page, and also in the post below, and the answer is... Paris!

We had a great time in this beautiful (but very expensive!) European city and will be writing more about our travels over the next few weeks. We especially loved going right up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and were lucky enough to do so on a beautiful day, as you can see from the picture above.

The children made a video of our trip, and if you can excuse the shaky camera, please take a look and see what we got up to. And please leave us any comments too.

Thank you.


  1. I really must use more video on my travel posts. I know if I have done them before there is a button to click on the YouTube upload which can minimize some of the shakiness but it probably can't get rid of all the wobbles.
    I'm planning to do a European cities theme for next month's BritMums travel round up. I will include one of your Paris posts :-)

  2. I didn't guess it was Paris. The video is brilliant, I love it! I think the camera wobble adds to the charm.

  3. I love this video! I did a similar one a couple years ago, in some of the same places. Minus the cruise. Makes me want to visit again.

  4. Thanks very much, Trish. There will be more posts to come - there was so much to do there!

  5. Very kind, but I'm not convinced! I do think it's cute though...

  6. I think it's a bit like London - there's so much to see and do

  7. Really nice video. Love the handmade title cards!

  8. Awesome family trip that you did there in Paris! Also loved the video your children put together. Well done!
